Stick to your core strengths

Small businesses that experience success and growth need to abandon the mantra of doing it all.  But far to often, they take on ancillary activities that distract from the core strengths that made them successful.  They find themselves mired in back office processes and either work 16 hour days or the business start to slip.  Success is a great thing, it is after all the point of our business, but success is a very poor teacher.  “I’m a Doctor for goodness sake, I should be able to run my business!” Replace Doctor with any other profession and you have the mindset that get many business owners in trouble.  My advice is stick to your core strengths and outsource the rest. If you want faster expansion for your growing business, click here to learn more about Asset Finance companies..

Don’t get nervous, you don’t have to abandon your patriotism or defy your union brothers.  What I’m talking about is hiring business specialists to perform the tasks that they are specially trained in and you are not.  These can and should be local businesses many of which are also small businesses.  Why have a receptionist turned bookkeeper doing the CFO job when you can hire a CFO on-demand for the two weeks per year that you need them.  Your bookkeeper and bottom line will thank you.  Financial, Marketing, Human Resources, Employee Training and even Sales are areas that can and should be outsourced.  The main benefit for small business owners is the ability to focus on the core business.  The cost of being distracted (sleepless nights, missed deadlines and limited resources) is enough to make the difference in profit and loss.  So now,

get more sleep, make more money and outsource everything that is not your core business.

Customer Service and Business: You’re Out of Touch

Sometimes the power of social media makes you go “wow”.   It can be an amazing asset or your worst nightmare as realized recently by Netflix announcing their price increase.

In a nutshell, Netflix adjusted their price structure and raised prices by 60%.  They took something that consumers perceived as value and just like that gave them reason to question the expenditure.

Looking at the Netflix Facebook Page there are over 78,000 comments related to the announcement.







Many of the comments share the same sentiment.  Customers simply aren’t pleased with the increase.  Part of it could be the way the announcement was presented on Facebook.  The status update doesn’t offer much in the way of explanation, but links to a blog post on Netflix explaining the price increase.   The blog post alone has 12,000 comments with over 4,000 shares on Twitter.

Talk about social media working on all cylinders.  Unfortunately in this case it’s not the right kind of buzz.  They didn’t do themselves any favors either as Netflix was deleting customer complaints from Facebook.

What are the glaring issues here?

In this situation it’s clear that Netflix wasn’t in touch with customer expectations and over valued their product/service.  The customers have stated as much:









Fix:  Do your homework.  Understand why your customers appreciate your product/service.  Spend time answering the “what if” by surveying some of your best customers before making changes.

They didn’t ease into the transaction and had to quickly backtrack by offering a discount to customers, further devaluing their product.   It was already too late.  Certainly they lost customers who will never come back.

Fix:  Give your customers time to adjust to the changes.  Making the switch quickly can backfire.

Price and value must go hand in hand. By not understanding the price point at which customers perceived the most value they again misunderstood the marketplace.

Fix:  This is an important aspect of any business.  Make sure that you know when and where price and value are in alignment.  If it’s not easy to find, figure out a way to create it.  That’s where marketing comes in handy.

Social media hasn’t helped, but it could have.  Netflix could have easily utilized social to address many of the issues above well before announcing the price increase.  They have 1.9 million fans on Facebook certainly they could have found a large enough sample size to survey.

Besides social media they could have reached out to customers via email by way of surveys.

From a business strategy standpoint it makes perfect sense.  Changes needed to be made, but when a strategic change backfires you’ve got major issues.

Part of what we do here at Talan is help small business navigate these sort of minefields.  We help business develop a strong strategy whether it be marketing, PR, exit strategies, or social media.

Understanding the risk associated with your decisions is an important part of being an entrepreneur.  Not doing so comes with enormous consequences.

If you found your company in this position how would you react?


6 Tips to Managing Cash Flow Schedule

Cash is king.  In your business cash flow is the ultimate king.  Do you have a firm grip on your cash flow?  Do you understand how cash flow affects your business?  Well you should.

The best way to monitor cash flow is by utilizing your cash flow statement.  If you use Quickbooks or Peachtree, this is a built in report.  A cash flow statement is a financial statement that shows how changes in a balance sheet accounts and income affect cash and cash equivalents, and breaks the analysis down to operating, investing, and financing activities.

Simply, it helps you understand the flow of cash in and out of your business.

The reason your cash flow is important is that:

  • it allows you to know if you can meet payroll and other expenditures
  • it tells potential lenders if you have the ability to repay
  • it lets potential investors know if your company is financially strong

Here are 5 ways to get your cash flow positive:

1.  Track customers’ payments

It’s easy to let 30 days turn into 45, especially if it’s one your best customers.  But there are bigger issues here, if you have to borrow money due to late payments you’re doing yourself a disservice.

2.  Set resonable payment terms

Don’t be afraid to offer a discount for early payments or a cash discount if it helps you get paid early.  Having cash in hand is key.  Offering a discount to get paid 15 days early can make a big difference in how you run your business.

3.  Check credit histories

Must do.  Don’t take their word for it.  Just because they have a big new building doesn’t mean they have the ability to pay or haven’t stuck someone else for services in the past.

4.  Take advantage of discounts

If you have the opportunity to receive a discount for paying early yourself, by all means take it.  But remember if there is no discount offered to hold on to your cash.  There is no sense in paying your bill two/three weeks early when you can use the cash (especially if you have a good handle on cash flow)

5.  Get Rid of excess inventory

It’s costing you money.  Even if you sell it at a discount it’s better than not selling it at all.  Plus it injects cash into the business.

6.  Wait

Do you really need that new iPhone/iPad/Tablet/Blackberry/Printer?  Think hard about it.  It’s easy to justify the expenditure, but will it really make you more efficient?  Purchases like these can nickel and dime you and kill cash flow in a hurry.

Understanding how to forecast cash flow will be a key asset in running your business.  If you need help reading or preparing cash flow projections contact us here at Talan Small Business Services.  It’s what we do.

Starting a Michigan Business: Michigan Business One Stop







In my talks with other aspiring business owners I’m always surprised by the lack of awareness of Michigan Business One Stop.  What is it?  It’s Michigan’s online portal with pretty much everything you need to get your business up and running.  All in one location.  Talk about a time saver.

Here are just some of the things you can do with Business One Stop:

  • Learn about Financing your Business
  • Tax Information
  • Play with the One Stop Simulator
  • Find Employer Resources
  • Business Entity Search
  • Keep track of filings

The Business Start Up Tool on One Stop is a great tool for creating varying scenarios for launching different types of business.  It will help you understand the state requirements for that business, including costs and time frames.  It’s really simple to use and leaves you with a wealth of knowledge for the onset.

The site includes a online secure service for starting your business.  Right online.  Register for taxes, apply for licenses and permits.

If you’re in the process of starting a business, Michigan Business One Stop is the place to go.

Have you used Michigan Business One Stop?




Starting a Michigan Business Series: Forming a Corporation

It’s Monday, which means only one thing.  Starting a Michigan Business time.  This week the focus is on Forming a Corporation, what you need know, where you need to go, and how to find the documents you need to get started.

First things first.

1.  Choose a name.

Have you settled on a name?  Make sure you name is not already taken by visiting  the Michigan Corporation Division Name Availability Search.

You’ll also need check the list of restricted words. These words are not allowed in your corporate name:  List of Restricted Words

2.  Determine if your business is subject to special licensing or permits.

No need for surprises.  You can check online here:  You may also want to check with your local county, city or township clerk for local requirements.

3.  File Paperwork with the State of Michigan

Be thorough when completing the paperwork.  Be sure to have the proper corporate form, filled out completely.  Forms are returned if not properly completed.

4.  Register for a federal Employer Identification Number (EIN)

You can apply for an EIN number by faxing your SS-4 (Application for Federal Employer Identification Number – EIN) to 859.669.5760 or calling 800.829.4933

5.  Register for Michigan Taxes

You’ll need to complete Michigan Taxes Form 518 and return to the Michigan Department of Treasury and fax to 517.636.4520

Corporation Advantages:

  • Shareholders (company owners) have personal limited liability
  • Access to capital is easier than with other structures
  • Profits can be divided between owners and the corporation which reduces taxes and offers lower tax rates
  • Perpetual existence. Upon death of an owner (stockholder) the corporation continues to exist
  • Tax benefits for employee fringe benefits such as medical, dental, and disability

Corporation Disadvantages:

  • Fees. It costs money to incorporate, plus recurring annual corporate fees
  • There are formalities that MUST be followed. There is no flexibility here
  • Profits paid to owners are subject to double taxation
  • Can be complex to set up and maintain
  • Dissolution does not automatically happen

A great resource for starting a business is Michigan Business One Stop.  It’s an online portal with access to FAQ’s and necessary documents for starting a business.

If you have questions you can call the DELEG (Department of Engery, Labor & Economic Growth, Bureau of Commercial Services, Corporation Division) at 517.241.6470.  Or visit online at

It’ never a bad idea to seek out the services of a lawyer and accountant when launching a new a business.  While these steps will get you on your way they should never be considered a replacement for legal advice.

5 Social Networks for Small Business

Social networking in one form or another has been around since the early days of the internet.  As it has evolved into it’s current form, so the number of network have increased.

How do you choose the best fit for your business?

We list 5 social networks that are key when integrating social into your marketing strategy. For more business tips, you should check the new software on the market, find out more today using the link.

1.  LinkedIn

LinkedIn has matured into a great network for business.  With the primary focus being on professionals, your message doesn’t need to compete with pictures and status updates about family and kids.

TIP: Spend time researching relevant groups to join.  Engage in the discussion. This sets you apart as a knowledgeable expert in your profession.

2.  Facebook

The numbers clearly show the masses love Facebook.  Over 200 million people access Facebook from mobile devices. While Google was the starting point for the web in the past, Facebook is quickly becoming the first stop in the morning.

TIP: Create a landing page tab.  This allows you to control the message new visitors see on your Fan page.

3.  YouTube

As YouTube turns 6 this year, it’s hard to ignore the sheer numbers.   YouTube boasts 3 billion daily views. With a “B”.  Since we tend to recall 50% of what we see and hear, YouTube is a great way to get your message across.

TIP: Answering FAQ’s and Tutorials do well on YouTube.  Use the video to let your company culture and personality shine.

4.  Twitter

Twitter is a real-time network that sometimes get’s ignored simply because of information overload.  For many it doesn’t make sense.  Now that Google, Bing, and other search engines have started to integrate shared content via tweets into search, it may be worth rethinking getting on Twitter.

TIP: Share content you’ve generated from Facebook or your blog.  Those who follow you on Twitter see those results in search engines.

5.  Quora

Quora is a continually improving collection of questions and answers, organized by it’s users.  Questions are sorted by topic such as insurance, accounting, business mortgages, start-ups, etc. Answers are voted up by the users.

TIP: Like LinkedIn, you can use Quora to set yourself and your company apart from the competition. Find relevant questions to your business, answer and share those answers on other social networks.

The five we listed are just the tip of the iceberg.  There are a plethora of social networks you can join.  These 5 offer the best bang for your buck because they are FREE.

Remember that social networking should be an integrated part of your social strategy.  If you would like to learn more about using Social Media.  Join us June 24th for our June Biz Mix.  The event is free.

Starting a Michigan Business Series: Corporation or Partnership?

As an entrepreneur you end up wearing quite a few hats.  This doesn’t always leave time for finding relevant information for your business.  Were do you even begin when it comes to starting your small business?  The Starting a Michigan Business Series will be designed to answer FAQ’s related to launching a business in Michigan.

First up in our series is Corporation or Partnership?  Is there an advantage to one over the other?

Quite simply, it depends.  Not quite what you were looking for.  Yet it really is determined by your situation.  Each has an upside and downside.

Let’s take a look at the differences.

Corporation Advantages:

  • Shareholders (company owners) have personal limited liability
  • Access to capital is easier than with other structures
  • Profits can be divided between owners and the corporation which reduces taxes and offers lower tax rates
  • Perpetual existence. Upon death of an owner (stockholder) the corporation continues to exist
  • Tax benefits for employee fringe benefits such as medical, dental, and disability

Corporation Disadvantages:

  • Fees. It costs money to incorporate, plus recurring annual corporate fees
  • There are formalities that MUST be followed. There is no flexibility here
  • Profits paid to owners are subject to double taxation
  • Can be complex to set up and maintain
  • Dissolution does not automatically happen

Partnership Advantages:

  • Pooling of resources, expertise and strengths
  • Fewer formalities than other business structures
  • Does not pay Federal income taxes
  • Liability is spread among the partners
  • Investment can come from partners as a quick easy loan. This creates interest income for the partners and a business deduction

Partnership Disadvantages

  • All partners are personally liable for business debts and liabilities
  • There may be unequal commitment (think time and finances, click here)
  • Can be difficult to attract investors
  • Partners may have differing opinions on how to run the business

If you’re a current small business owner, what has your experience been with these business structures?  What would you recommend to an entrepreneur just getting started?

Top 10 Reasons Small Businesses Fail

Top 10 Reasons Small Businesses Fail

We recently received an article from a client outlining the top reasons why small businesses generally fail. This question and the reasons related to the top 10 regularly face us in working with entrepreneurs. While we tend to focus our blog discussions on business success, rather than failure, it is important that we talk about and identify these issues because they are very real obstacles to success. Additionally, and perhaps even more importantly, the precursor to failure is ongoing stagnation and many points listed in this article are happening in your business right now whether you recognize it or not. So the question many ask is “if these are the top 10 reasons small businesses fail how do I avoid failure?” While this may be a valid question, the real question to ask is “how do I identify if my company has any of the traits that create these issues in the first place?” While there is no silver bullet in answering the question… the simple answer comes down to assessment. In your business, for which we recommend this check stub software, you should annually be assessing the organization, asking tough questions about the how and why you do what you do, and consistently measuring the results of your actions. But you shouldn’t do it alone. Bring in an outside resource by way of a mentor or consultant. These individuals should not have a financial interest in the organization or be on its operational leadership team. They should be “outside” resources whose interest is in the overall success of the company, not telling you what you want to hear. Through this process you should look at all areas of your business, giving you a chance to see it from the outside looking in allowing you the opportunity to identify potential problems before they can damage your company. Here is a link to the article-


Protecting Your Products From Copycats

A friend sent us the attached article which was posted in USA Today on Monday September 20th. The main concept of the article is focused on protecting your products from copycats. While this topic is directly relevant to those of you who develop, invent and create new products, the article has some very good “take-aways” for every type of business leader. At its core, the article identifies that the awareness of our competitors’ position in the market, as well as always staying connected to the wants and needs of our customers, is critically important to maintaining successful growth. We hope you enjoy the article and look forward to hearing your feedback.

Click Here for Article-

Maybe you need a Business Divorce

By Lori J. Frank

We are taught that all that matters is the sales to your customer. If you Start searching for customers and sell your product or services then you will be rolling in the dollars. This is true, IF and only if, the customer is paying you! If not, all you are doing is laying out cash to your employees and your suppliers. Most business is conducted by a handshake (either actual or electronic) and rarely is there a written contract. We mostly trust that we will get paid for our product or services.

Let’s say you and your customer have done business together for a period of time after you graduated from business colleges. At first you were getting paid as agreed, and maybe a little early. As time went on, you started to notice that the customer is not paying you as in days past. You call and ask the owner why it is taking longer to get paid than it had been. You are told, “Well we are in Michigan and my customers are taking longer to pay me”.  Is that the truth or is my customer using the bad economy as an excuse? It doesn’t matter. In either case, you should start by asking your customer for Cash On Delivery and talk to the customer about an arrangement to pay the past due invoices. Most good customers will be embarrassed but will talk to you about making good on the debt. If your customer won’t discuss a concrete plan to pay the past due invoices, then it may be time to get the divorce and cut that customer loose. Furthermore, if the checks from your customer start to resemble a basketball and bounce, then time is running out on getting paid.  This is a red flag and all deliveries should stop unless payment is guaranteed either by bank check or by a credit card.

Lori J. Frank is a contributing member to the Talan education blog series. LJ Frank PC was formed in 1996 and the firm specializes in the collection of debt. They can be found at LJ Frank PC is located in Southfield but covers the entire State of Michigan. LJ Frank PC is a member of:

Michigan Bar Association

Oakland County Bar Association

Michigan Creditors Bar Association

Commercial Law League of America

If your business is in a situation where your cash flow is being negatively affected by clients who are not paying as they should, contact Talan today to discuss your options for reducing your exposure to this unnecessary risk.