Does Your Business Need a Retrofit?

Does Your Business Need a Retrofit?

Reading through an article today on, we were reminded of how important it is as small businesses to always stay connected to the changing needs of our customers. The article stated, “Small business owners who have worked long and hard to create their businesses and offer customer what they want are often the most resistant to change.” Interestingly enough, the ability to quickly change and adapt to the needs of customers if one of the most important competitive advantages that small business has over large and even medium sized companies. Unfortunately, so many small companies ignore this fact and choose to stay in the comfort zone, rather than seek ways to use their agility to gain advantage in the marketplace. If you are looking for ways to capitalize on your natural competitive advantage, TALAN is here to help. Contact us today for your FREE BIZstrength Profile and find out how you can stand out! Enjoy the article…