Social networking in one form or another has been around since the early days of the internet. As it has evolved into it’s current form, so the number of network have increased.
How do you choose the best fit for your business?
We list 5 social networks that are key when integrating social into your marketing strategy. For more business tips, you should check the new software on the market, find out more today using the link.
1. LinkedIn
LinkedIn has matured into a great network for business. With the primary focus being on professionals, your message doesn’t need to compete with pictures and status updates about family and kids.
TIP: Spend time researching relevant groups to join. Engage in the discussion. This sets you apart as a knowledgeable expert in your profession.
2. Facebook
The numbers clearly show the masses love Facebook. Over 200 million people access Facebook from mobile devices. While Google was the starting point for the web in the past, Facebook is quickly becoming the first stop in the morning.
TIP: Create a landing page tab. This allows you to control the message new visitors see on your Fan page.
3. YouTube
As YouTube turns 6 this year, it’s hard to ignore the sheer numbers. YouTube boasts 3 billion daily views. With a “B”. Since we tend to recall 50% of what we see and hear, YouTube is a great way to get your message across.
TIP: Answering FAQ’s and Tutorials do well on YouTube. Use the video to let your company culture and personality shine.
4. Twitter
Twitter is a real-time network that sometimes get’s ignored simply because of information overload. For many it doesn’t make sense. Now that Google, Bing, and other search engines have started to integrate shared content via tweets into search, it may be worth rethinking getting on Twitter.
TIP: Share content you’ve generated from Facebook or your blog. Those who follow you on Twitter see those results in search engines.
5. Quora
Quora is a continually improving collection of questions and answers, organized by it’s users. Questions are sorted by topic such as insurance, accounting, business mortgages, start-ups, etc. Answers are voted up by the users.
TIP: Like LinkedIn, you can use Quora to set yourself and your company apart from the competition. Find relevant questions to your business, answer and share those answers on other social networks.
The five we listed are just the tip of the iceberg. There are a plethora of social networks you can join. These 5 offer the best bang for your buck because they are FREE.
Remember that social networking should be an integrated part of your social strategy. If you would like to learn more about using Social Media. Join us June 24th for our June Biz Mix. The event is free.